3 Quick Marketing tips and tricks for your website 

So you’re reading this post because you want to know how to market your website better. Well, I’m going to tell you a tip that will authenticate you to your audience straight away.

Invest in an SSL Certificate! You may want to skip this point, but it is very crucial. SSL ( Secure Sockets Layer) is an encryption between a user’s computer and your server. This encrypts all the data that your site collects, so if the worst happens and you get hacked all of your user’s information would be safe. Not only that but search engines such as Google make it more difficult to get onto sites that do not have an SSL. 

SSL can cost as little as £60 per year to purchase, there are various options of course that you can choose from. 


As mentioned in other posts but is worth repeating, you need to know what your site looks like on ALL devices. As slick and cutting edge as your website is on a desktop, it’s essentially useless if it is not optimised for mobile devices, that alone will reduce your conversion and profit rates.  

Mobile devices counted for 53% of all web traffic in 2020. So having a site that looks just as good to look at and easy to navigate on a phone is just as important as the desktop. There are many free platforms out there that allow you to test various phone and tablet models, to ensure your site looks the best it can no matter where or what it’s being accessed on. 


Email Campaigns  

We’ve all gone on to a website and before we take our first action there’s a pop-up box asking us to sign up to the mailing list for discounts and the best offers. As annoying as they can be at times these pop-ups allow you to build your mailing list. It can also help you monitor your audiences’ actions. For example, they might have added items to their basket without purchasing anything, by sending three abandoned basket recovery emails to each customer results in a 69% order uplift compared to sending just one email. 




Cookies are your best friend and keep people coming back! 

Have you ever looked at a product online, then seen the same said product a couple of hours later being advertised on Facebook? This is no coincidence – it’s remarketing. This digital marketing tactic allows you to track your past website visitors wherever they go across the internet. So even when they are not on your site they still see your products, making it almost impossible to ignore you. Retargeting works. Website visitors who are retargeted are 43% more likely to make the purchase.

By following these tips your website will be in top form in no time.

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