Projects in a controlled environment are more likely to be successful. It is imperative to differentiate “projects” from “business as usual.” Projects are distinctive pieces of work that have a start and finish date with clearly defined objectives, outcomes and deliverables. It takes tremendous effort, skill and experience to plan, manage and control projects with the right mix of interaction and collaboration with all stakeholders under agreed constraints. I can help you deliver more successful projects having successfully delivered hundreds of complex technical and community projects on time and within budget over many years.

Regardless of how simple or complex a project may be, it will definitely benefit from proper management. It doesn’t matter if you are building a small website or an airplane, applying and utilising project management principles and methods will greatly increase the chances of success. I will help you plan, organise, motivate, and control resources, procedures and protocols to achieve your specific goals.

The biggest project of all is you and your life. We all have a start and an end date in this physical life. What is particularly unique about this project we call life is that we do not know the exact end date although it is inevitable, therefore we must make the most of every moment. It can come at any time. We are born and one day we will “die”. That is a reality and an actual fact faced by all regardless of beliefs, religious persuasion, ethnicity, how much money we have etc. What matters is what we do with the time we have between when we are born and when we die or as I like to describe it, embark on our next project life-cycle beyond this realm. The milestones, achievements and accomplishments we attain determine the level and quality of life we experience here or on the next existence. I am determined to help you get the most from your life by helping you to get more money and have a better lifestyle, yet at the same time help to prepare you for the next cycle. Complete the form below and lets get started.

Published On: December 9th, 2021 / Categories: Business Development, Management, Marketing Strategy, Project Management, Strategy / Tags: , /

Procrastination is the number one enemy of progress

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